Industrie Kooperationen
Entwicklung eines wiederaufladbaren implantierbaren Defibrillators<p>In Kooperation mit der <a href="" target="_blank" class="external-link">Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover</a> und der <a href="" target="_blank" class="external-link">Firma Guidant</a> wird ein kabellos wiederaufladbarer implantierbarer Defibrillator (ICD) zur Behandlung von Kammerflimmern entwickelt. Die Übertragungseffizienz der Energie, die Funktionalität des Gerätes und die Gewebeverträglichkeit stehen dabei im Vordergrund. </p>Leitung: <a href="">Prof. Dr.-Ing. H. Haase</a>Team:Jahr: 2005Laufzeit: 2003-2007
Elektromagnetische Aktuatoren zur Ventilsteuerung von VerbrennungsmotorenZur Reduktion des Kraftstoffverbrauchs und zur Optimierung der Gaswechselprozesse im Verbrennungsmotor wird in Kooperation mit TRW eine variable Ventilsteuerung (VVS) mittels elektromagnetischer Ventilaktuatoren untersucht.Leitung: <a href="">Prof. Dr.-Ing. H. Haase</a>Team:Jahr: 2006
Energiemanagement im AutomobilDie einheitliche und vollständige Modellierung von Baugruppen und Komponenten im Fahrzeug soll eine ganzheitliche Betrachtung des Automobils unter energetischen Gesichtspunkten ermöglichen. Die Entwicklung eines solchen Systemmodells und eine darauf aufbauende Entwicklung neuartiger, effizienzsteigernder Strategien des Energiemanagements sind Gegenstand eines aktuellen Forschungsvorhabens in Kooperation mit einem großen deutschen Automobilhersteller.Leitung: <a href="">Prof. Dr.-Ing. H. Haase</a>Team:Jahr: 2007Laufzeit: 2007
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WERANplusDie Energiewende bringt den Bau zahlreicher Windenergieanlagen (WEA) und großer Windparks mit sich. Das Verbundprojekt WERANplus fußt auf der reproduzierbaren Feststellung, dass Navigations- und Radaranlagen der Flugsicherung sowie Radare der Wetterbeobachtung durch elektromagnetische Reflexionen von WEA in ihrer Funktion gestört werden, woraus betriebliche Einschränkungen resultieren.Jahr: 2014Förderung: Gefördert durch das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie aufgrund eines Beschlusses des Deutschen Bundestages. FKZ: 0324252
IMS MS couplingTo identify the underlying ion species in ion mobility spectra, we couple our IMS devices to mass spectrometers (MS). A simple gated interface has been designed to transfer selected peaks of the ion mobility spectrum into the MS. By using this coupling, we investigate the occurring ion-molecule reactions in our ambient pressure DT-IMS or HiKE-IMS.Jahr: 2015Förderung: This research is founded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)
TOXI-triageTOXI-triage project address the operational; technological; ethical and societal dimensions of CBRN response and recovery, and importantly the economic base from which sustainable CBRN and multiuse systems are derived.Jahr: 2015Förderung: European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 653409
Development of an in-line measurement system for blood parameters for individualized patient therapy during dialysisThe goal of this work is to enable a continuous detection of the relevant blood parameters during dialysis treatment, such as electrolyte and urea concentration. This allows a real-time monitoring during the treatment. Thus, the dialysis can be controlled precisely and a more gentle treatment for the patient can be achieved. For this purpose, a novel electrochemical and electromagnetic in-line sensor concept will be developed to determine the blood parameters in extracorporeal circuits.Jahr: 2016Förderung: This work is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under the grant 13GW0085B.
Ion Mobility Spectrometer with a Resolving Power of R = 100For the analysis of gas mixtures at atmospheric pressure we developed a compact drift tube ion mobility spectrometer (IMS) with a length of about 100 mm and an outer diameter of 30 mm. Furthermore, the resolving power belongs to R=100. The IMS can be operated in a temperature range between room temperature and 100°C. Due to the institute’s own machine shop it is also possible to rapidly modify the IMS for many applications. For example, the ionization region can modified, thus several ionization sources can be compared. Of course, the detection region can be modified to adapt the IMS to a mass spectrometer.Jahr: 2016
Ultra-fast polarity switching ion mobility spectrometerIt is well known that depending on their gas phase energetic properties, different substances may form positive ions, negative ions or even ions of both polarities in some cases. Thus, non-targeted measurements or measurements aiming to monitor a variety of substances require analyzing ions of both polarities, e.g. in GC-IMS applications. In this project, an ion mobility spectrometer which is able to perform a polarity switch in less than 10 ms has been developed. This allows switching the measurement polarity after every spectrum, thus enabling real-time monitoring of ions of both polarities with a single drift tube and obviating the need for expensive twin drift tubes.Jahr: 2016
NanosensorsMany medical, biotechnological, safety and security applications require highly sensitive and selective sensors. Due to special properties of nano-objects, they can be used to optimize the analytical performance of existing sensors systems. Therefore, we are working on new sensor solutions using nanoparticles, nanowire or other nano-objects.Jahr: 2016
Ultra-sensitive atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometryIn various applications trace gas concentrations in the ppt-range need to be detected in less than a second. Due to an increasing number of contaminants present at ppt-levels ultra-high sensitivity also requires excellent selectivity. Our approach to achieve this combination is to push highly selective mass spectrometer (MS) towards extreme sensitivities by coupling atmospheric pressure ionization sources (API) to time-of-flight mass spectrometers (ToF-MS). For example, a radioactive Tritium (³H) ionization source coupled to a Bruker micrOTOF II leading to ppq detection for protonated Acetone.Jahr: 2016
Non-invasive monitoring of bacterial growth in a bioreactorIn order to monitor dynamic changes in the exhaust gas composition of a bioreactor, our GC-IMS can be used. The system enables automatic sampling and detection of more than 100 compounds during every exhaust gas analysis.Jahr: 2016
Identification of bacteria regarding metabolic productsBacteria emit characteristic metabolic products. Using our ultra-high sensitive GC-APCI-MS, we are able to distinguish between different bacterial species and even different bacterial type strains.Jahr: 2016
Electromagnetic sensors for biochemical and biomedical applicationsThe major advantages of electromagnetic sensors are a compact design and cost effective realization. In different projects, sensors (e.g. coaxial measuring chambers, open-ended coaxial probes, coplanar probes, split-ring resonators) are designed and tailored to the requirements of specific applications. Current research includes measurements of brain tissue humidity in forensic examinations, noninvasive cell growth monitoring in single use bioreactors and detection of ethanolamine in fluid.Jahr: 2016
X-Ray Ion Mobility SpectrometerFor the ionization of gaseous samples, most ion mobility spectrometers employ radioactive ionization sources, e.g. containing 63Ni or 3H. Besides legal restrictions, radioactive materials have the disadvantage of a constant radiation with predetermined intensity. The aim of this research project is the realization and characterization of an X-ray IMS. Therefore, the 3H-source of our previously described compact high resolution IMS was replaced by a commercially available X-ray source. The realized setup maintains the high resolving power of R = 100 at a drift length of 75 mm and shows very good detection limits in the low pptv-range.Jahr: 2016
Shutterless IMSThe use of non-radioactive electron sources for ionizing the target analytes in Ion Mobility Spectrometers (IMS) can lead to new application options. For example, our electron source can be operated in a fast pulsed mode. By optimizing the geometric parameters and developing fast control electronics, we can achieve very short electron pulses for ionization with high intensities, and an adjustable pulse width of down to a few nanoseconds. This results in small ion packets at simultaneously high ion densities. By omitting the separate reaction chamber the ion packet can be generated directly at the beginning of the drift tube with only slight reduction in resolving power. Thus, the complex and costly shutter mechanism and electronics can also be omitted, which leads to a simple low cost IMS-system with a pulsed non-radioactive source, and a resolving power of 70 to 80.Jahr: 2016
Ion-selective ppb-level gas sensorThe objective of this work is the development of a fast ion-selective ppb-level gas sensor based on pulsed atmospheric pressure chemical ionization and ion-ion-recombination kinetics. The major tasks are the characterization of the ion generation and ion-ion-recombination kinetics of gas mixtures with various analytes and concentrations. Further, the measurement data should be analyzed by appropriate pattern recognition algorithm.Jahr: 2016Förderung: This research is founded by the German Research Foundation(DFG)
Ultra high resolution ion mobility spectrometryThe aim of this research is the development of an ion mobility spectrometer with a resolving power above 300 and limits of detection in the pptv range for measurement times of less than a second. Furthermore, the performance using various non-radioactive ion sources such as X-ray and UV sources, electrospray ionization as well as non-radioactive electron emitters is being investigated. With a resolving power of 250 even for small, single-charged ions, the current setup is at the moment the highest resolving ion mobility spectrometer worldwide and the first device to separate isotopologues.Jahr: 2016Förderung: This research is founded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)
Field asymmetric time of flight ion mobility spectrometryIn this work, we are developing a new concept for miniaturized and low cost ion mobility spectrometers (IMS) manufactured from printed circuit boards (PCB). The goal is a system which is small and cheap, but provides the analytical power of high end systems. To achieve this, we try to combine the advantages of time of flight IMS (TOF-IMS) and field asymmetric IMS (FAIMS) by inserting a chamber with an alternating electrical field into the drift tube of a PCB based TOF-IMS.Jahr: 2016Förderung: This work has been supported by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi), under the Grant KF3238301NT3 upon decision of the German Bundestag
Nano-QAim of this cooperation project is the development of a mercury sensor system for personal air monitoring (PAM). The sensor system is based on applications of nanogranular materials. The major tasks are the construction of a mercury test bench for the adjustment of lowest mercury concentrations and the characterization of the mercury sensors.Jahr: 2016Förderung: This project is sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. (13XP5011B)
ESI-IMSAim of this research project is the detection and analysis of pesticide and drug residues present in ground and surface water. Electrospray ionization (ESI) is a commonly used ionization method for the analysis of liquids. We coupled an electrospray ionization source with a 75mm desolvation tube to our high resolution ion mobility spectrometer with a 75mm drift tube length. One major advantage of our setup is that the desolvation region of the ESI-IMS can be heated separately from the drift region. With this setup we reach e.g. a resolving power of R=100 for tetraalkylammonium halides and at a water content of 50% and after 2s of averaging a LOD of 4 µg/l for bentazon.Jahr: 2016
Data acquisition software for ion mobility spectrometersIn order to control all parameters of a measurement setup, carry out automated measurements and analyze the generated data, a custom software suite has been developed using LabVIEW. It allows direct control of both our custom-built bus system as well as external devices, acquires and stores ion mobility spectra together with all relevant measurement parameters and allows the user to implement additional custom functions through a special scripting language.Jahr: 2016
Measurement electronicsVirtually every measurement setup requires various control signals and a data acquisition system in order to function. The performance of these devices has a significant impact on the overall performance of the entire measurement setup. Thus, crucial components such as fast high voltage switches or picoampere amplifiers as well as a modular bus system were developed and manufactured in-house.Jahr: 2016
Non-radioactive electron sources for fast high sensitive sensor systemsMost ion mobility spectrometers (IMS) employ a radioactive β-source to ionize the target analytes. However, because of the potential hazards and the associated handling restrictions regarding radioactive materials non-radioactive ionization sources are of increasing importance. The aim of this research project is the development of non-radioactive electron sources, which are used both in ion mobility spectrometry for ionization as well as in other sensor systems. Here, one advantage is that non-radioactive electron sources generate identical ion species as radioactive electron sources. A further advantage of non-radioactive electron sources is the controllability of the electron emission and hence the ionization process and the consequent opportunity to develop completely new sensor principles.Jahr: 2016Förderung: This work is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under the grant 13N12820.
Chemical ionization detector for gas chromatographyIon mobility spectrometers deliver limits of detection in the low pptv-range within a measuring time of less than a second. The goal of this project is to transfer this sensitivity to a simple low-cost detector for gas chromatography.Jahr: 2016
High kinetic energy ion mobility spectrometry (HiKE-IMS)The crucial problem in most real-life applications of ion mobility spectrometers is the sample ionization, as it limits the detectability of many substances and is the primary source of matrix effects. In this project, a novel approach using reactant ions with high kinetic energy at reduced pressure is employed in order to minimize these problems and even allow quantitative measurements using ion mobility spectrometers. For example, it is possible to detect ppbv-concentrations of benzene in the presence of toluene and xylene in ppmv-concentrationsJahr: 2016Förderung: This research is founded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)
Closed gas loop, high-resolution IMS with gas chromatographic pre-separation for breath gas analysisIn many breath gas analysis applications, real-time and bed-site analysis is required to achieve true applicability for clinical diagnosis. Thus, we built a compact, closed gas loop, high-resolution GC-IMS. The ion mobility spectrometer achieves a mobility resolution of R=90. The GC-IMS is equipped with a filter re-circulation system providing a continuous supply of dry and clean drift gas, so that no external supply is needed. Hence, the entire system fits in a 19″ housing (6 RU height).Jahr: 2016
FEM simulation of ion trajectories within ion mobility spectrometer or mass spectrometerUsing FEM Software (Comsol Multiphysics), ion trajectories within ion mobility spectrometers (IMS) at atmospheric pressure or within mass spectrometers (MS) at vacuum conditions are simulated. Depending on the application, the influence of diffusion, migration, charge repulsion, ion generation and the transient electric field are considered. The simulation results are used to optimize IMS or MS operating parameters and geometry.Jahr: 2016
Mercury vapor sensorThe aim of this project is to develop a miniaturized mercury sensor to monitor the mercury concentration in air. Mercury forms amalgam in connection with gold. This effect can be used to determine the presence and concentration of mercury, since the formation of amalgam influences various physical parameters.Jahr: 2016
Realtime monitoring of the position of a cochlea implantDuring the Implantation of cochlea implants trauma and irritation of the auditory canal tissue must be avoided. Aim of the work is the supply of a realtime monitoring of the position of a cochlea implant based on continuous impedance measurement between the implant electrodes during insertion.Jahr: 2017
Electron capture detector with non-radioactive electron sourceGas chromatographs equipped with electron capture detectors (ECD) are widely used for the analysis of electron affine substances such as pesticides, herbicides or chlorofluorocarbons. Achieving limits of detection in the low pptv-range, electron capture detectors are the most sensitive detectors available for such compounds. Based on their operating principle, they require free electrons at atmospheric pressure, which are usually generated by using a β--decay. However, the use of radioactive materials leads to regulatory restrictions regarding purchase, operation and disposal. Therefore, we developed a new electron capture detector using our non-radioactive electron source, which is not subject to these limitations and offers further advantages such as adjustable and higher electron densities and energies.Jahr: 2017
High Pressure HiKE-IMS (HiP-HiKE-IMS)The above described HiKE-IMS is a powerful device for detecting low electron and proton affine substances invisible for conventional IMS. Typical cross sensitivities to e.g. water are significantly reduced and additional separation by alpha-function improves compound identification. By increasing the operating pressure, the system can be miniaturized, the power consumption reduced and the limits of detection significantly improved. Therefore, in this project, we develop optimized drift tubes based on PCBs, which are able to maintain high reduced field strengths at significantly increased pressures. Such a PCB-HiKE-IMS can be operated at 60 mbar with detections limits in the low ppbv level, e.g. for benzene even in the presence of high toluene and water concentrations. The resolving power for benzene is R = 100 at a drift length of 15 cm. The used vacuum pump is just 194 x 115 x 77 mm³.Jahr: 2017Förderung: This work is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under the grant 13N14469
Early adequate sepsis therapy using ion mobility spectrometry based diagnosticsAim of this project is the development of an innovative method for rapid pathogen identification of sepsis patients by headspace analysis of standard blood cultures using gas chromatography ion mobility spectrometry (GC-IMS). In contrast to the current care situation this method should lead to a result after a few hours, while the analysis itself only takes a few minutes. For this purpose, we develop a dual polarity IMS with a non-radioactive ionization source being able to detect positive and negative ions simultaneously. This allows the analysis of both ion polarities with just a single GC run.Jahr: 2017Förderung: This work is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under the grant 13GW0191D
Miniaturized ion mobility spectrometerAiming for mobile and hand-held applications miniaturized ion mobility spectrometer drift tubes are required. With its outer dimensions of only 15 mm x 15 mm in cross section and an overall length of 56 mm, the mini-IMS is one of our smallest high-performance drift tube IMS with a resolving power of Rp = 63 and detection limits in the mid pptv-range for 1s of averaging. For easy integration, the miniaturized drift tube is designed to fit commercially available DIP sockets (7.62 mm row-to-row spacing, 34 pins with 2.54 mm pitch). This enables direct connection of the drift tube to the driver electronics. Different ionization sources (radioactive and non-radioactive) can be operated with this drift tube.Jahr: 2017
Messunsicherheiten bei Magnetfeldmessungen unter 30 MHzNormkonforme Störaussendungs- und Störfestigkeitsmessungen müssen in einer definierten Messumgebung wie einer Absorberhalle oder auf einem Freifeldmessplatz durchgeführt werden. Hierbei stellt die Messung von magnetischen Feldern im Frequenzbereich von 9 kHz bis 30 MHz noch immer eine große messtechnische Herausforderung dar, da der Abstand zwischen Messobjekt und Antenne wesentlich kleiner ist als die Wellenlänge der jeweils betrachteten Frequenz. Es gibt zwar ein Verfahren zur Validierung von EMV-Messplätzen in diesem Frequenzbereich, jedoch kaum Untersuchungen zum Einfluss von Messunsicherheiten auf das Messergebnis. Daher wird in der Fachgruppe EMV mit Hilfe von Simulations- bzw. numerischen Feldberechnungsprogrammen beispielsweise der Einfluss von Materialeigenschaften der Groundplane (die Leitfähigkeit κ und die relative Permeabilität µr) oder die Größe der Fläche der verwendeten Rahmenantenne auf das Messergebnis untersucht.Jahr: 2017
ReCoWind (Reliable power Converters for Wind turbines) - Measurement and Modeling of Moisture Migration on Component and System LevelIn the framework of the ReCoWind project the failure causes of wind turbine’s power converters are investigated as well as appropriate countermeasures are worked out. Therefore, a combined top-down and bottom-up approach is applied in order to evaluate field studies of wind turbines’ failures and breakdowns, to carry out additional investigations and to work out the failure principles on the component and system level. The evaluation of a possible degradation processes due of corrosive or harmful gases respectively is one research topic of this subproject. The main focus is on the moisture migration to the power modules of the frequency converter, which is assumed to be most significant failure cause. Furthermore, an understanding for the temperature and moisture distribution in the power module (component level) and the power converter’s cabinet (system level) will be worked out. Hereby, the modelling of moisture migration and transport is necessary, as well as the development of measurement technology and sensors for moisture and temperature with a high spatial resolution. Based on the findings of power converters’ failure causes, appropriate countermeasures will be worked out, which could increase the reliability of wind turbine’s power converters.Jahr: 2018Förderung: This Project is supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), Grant 0324336E
Identifikation metallischer Objekte im ErdreichIn Folge der beiden Weltkriege ist eine große Anzahl nichtdetonierter Kampfmittelrückstände im Erdboden verteilt worden und stellen auch viele Jahrzehnte später ein nicht zu unterschätzendes Risiko dar. Die Aufgaben des Kampfmittelbeseitigungsdienstes sind daher diese Altlasten aufzuspüren, zu räumen und zu entsorgen, sowie auf Baugründen die Freiheit von Kampfmitteln durch Flächensondierung zu bescheinigen. Der Erdboden stellt aufgrund seiner inhomogenen Zusammensetzung eine Messumgebung dar, welche die Detektion und Identifikation von Kampfmittelrückständen durch Sensoren erheblich erschwert. In der Fachgruppe EMV werden daher Mess- und Auswerteverfahren entwickelt, welche die Identifikation metallischer Objekte im Erdreich erleichtert.Jahr: 2018
Störfestigkeitsuntersuchungen von Trägheitssensor-gestützten SystemenTrägheitssensoren (Beschleunigungs- und Drehratensensoren) werden in vielen modernen Fortbewegungsmitteln, um die Navigation zu unterstützen oder bspw. in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) zur Fluglagerelegung verwendet. Treten Störungen dieser Sensoren auf, so kann das Gleichgewicht der Systeme gestört werden und zu unkontrollierbaren Situationen bis hin zu Abstürzen führen. Die Untersuchung der Störfestigkeit von Trägheitssensor-gestützten System ist somit ein interessanter Aspekt der Elektromagnetischen Verträglichkeit. Am Institut für Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik und Messtechnik werden Untersuchungen an solchen Systemen durchgeführt. Von Interesse sind dabei unter anderem die Identifikation der Störschwelle des untersuchten Systems sowie das Erkennen von Mustern beim Auftreten von Störungen. Bei der Untersuchung eines Hexacopters konnten bereits, abhängig von der gemessenen Konfiguration, Effect Failure Rates (EFR) und Fehlermustererkennung realisiert werden. In Abbildung 1 ist der Verlauf der Rotorgeschwindigkeit über einen Zeitraum von zehn Sekunden dargestellt. Dabei wurde der Hexacopter vier Sekunden mit transienten Störsignalen beaufschlagt.Jahr: 2018
Elektromagnetische Emissionen von WindenergieanlagenIm Rahmen der Energiewende werden in Deutschland immer mehr Windenergieanlagen (WEAs) errichtet. Diese WEAs senden unerwünschte elektromagnetische Emissionen aus, welche die Grenzwerte der CISPR_11 gemessen gemäß der Messmethode in der TR9 nicht überschreiten dürfen. Die Messung dieser Emissionen ist mit Unsicherheiten behaftet. Ziel der Forschungen in der Fachgruppe ist es, diese Unsicherheiten einzugrenzen sowie neue Messmethoden zu erproben.Jahr: 2018
MiniLABThe aim of the cooperation project MiniLAB is the development of a portable instrument for fast on-site monitoring and detection of pollutants in water based on nano high performance liquid chromatography (nano-HPLC) and electrospray ionization (ESI) ion mobility spectrometry (IMS). The main tasks of the subproject are the realization of a high voltage isolated data acquisition as well as the control of the ESI parameters during a run of a solvent gradient.Jahr: 2019Förderung: Supported by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) upon decision of the German Bundestag, Grant 20666 N
Risikomanagement von EMIDie klassische elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit (EMV) soll sicherstellen, dass kein elektrisches Gerät ein anderes Gerät stört oder von einem anderen Gerät gestört wird. Tritt eine solche Beeinflussung dennoch auf, so wird dies als elektromagnetische Interferenzen (EMI) bezeichnet. In der Fachgruppe EMV werden Verfahren entwickelt, durch welche das Risiko von gewollter oder ungewollter EMI abgeschätzt werden kann. Ein Schwerpunkt der Arbeiten ist zurzeit die Abschätzung des EMI Risikos von komplexen System, wie z.B. IT-Systemen.Jahr: 2019
Ion mobility spectrometry coupled to chip-based electrochromatographyIn this cooperation project with the group of Professor Belder from the Leipzig University a chip electrochromatography (ChEC) is coupled to a compact electrospray ion mobility spectrometer (ESI-IMS) from our group. The aim of this work is to characterize ESI-IMS as detector for chip based separation techniques. Furthermore, secondary ionization with APPI and APCI sources is implemented in the desolvation region of the ESI-IMS to enable the detection of compounds that cannot be ionized by electrospray.Jahr: 2019Förderung: This research is founded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) (ZI 1288/9-1)
New ionization sources and fast gas chromatography coupled to a mobile mass spectrometer for hazardous substance detection (GC-Plasma-TOF)Aim of this research project is a mobile system for fast detection of hazardous substances for first responder applications. For this purpose, a mobile mass spectrometer will be coupled to a fast gas chromatograph for fast analysis of complex samples. Furthermore, four different ionization methods will be employed to improve both substance identification and limits of detection. Our focus is the development of a new plasma source.Jahr: 2019Förderung: Supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Grant 13N14888
TEM-WellenleiterGTEM-Zellen stellen eine etablierte Alternative zu Freifeldmessplätzen dar. Diese werden am Institut in den Bereichen der Störfestigkeits- und Störemissionsmessungen eingesetzt. Des Weiteren liegt ein Schwerpunkt in der Verifikation der Wellenleiter und der damit einhergehenden Mitarbeit in Normungsgremien wie dem nationalen Komitee des GAK 767.3/4.4 und dem internationalen Gremium der IEC 61000-4-20.Jahr: 2019
ETOPIA - European Training network Of PhD researchers on Innovative EMI analysis and power ApplicationsThe main goal is to create a network to train 12 highly skilled engineers through an integrated doctoral training program based on research of conducted electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) that underpins all future technological developments. Designed into the project are specific innovations with methodologies to optimize the design of power distribution networks inside buildings and industrial plants and transport networks with respect to compatibility (no-interference) and efficiency in the distribution network as well as in the connected electronic systems. Research Topic 1: Reproducible in-situ magnetic field measurements of transient magnetic field for power electronic application. The objective is to develop a measurement and calibration procedure to validate transient electromagnetic field probes, used for EMC compliance in large wind parks and to identify expected transient waveforms in modern power facilities. The ESR is expected to develop measurement guidelines in large facilities and identify open questions for transient field measurements applied to the energy sector. Research Topic 2: Determine transient radiated field from power lines by measuring the transient CM current. The objective is to find an efficient method to determine the transient radiated electromagnetic field from CM current in the power line. The ESR is expected to be able to provide analytical description of the expected transient fields from measured CM currents and understand the work of transient measurement technology.Jahr: 2019
PETER- Pan- European Training, research and education network on Electromagnetic Risk ManagementThe main goal is to train 15 early-stage researchers (ESRs) in topics related to the development of high-technology systems that maintain reliability and safety over the full life cycle of the systems, despite these systems being subjected to severe and complex EMI threats. Research Topic: Statistical Electromagnetic Risk Analysis of Large and Complex Systems, Development of Theoretical Description of Risk Assessment Methodologies. The objective is to develop statistical EMI-aware risk-assessment methodologies that combine both technical and non-technical aspects. The ESR is expected to provide the theoretical background for an EMI-aware risk assessment of large interconnected systems.Jahr: 2019
GC-IMS measurements of volatile anaestheticsThis project focuses on all topics related to trigger-free anaesthesia for patients threatened by malignant hyperthermia. With our GC-IMS, especially medical devices and indoor air will be examined for traces of volatile anaesthetics. For example, these substances can be detected in an average concentration of 120 ppb in postanaesthesia care units.Jahr: 2020
Electromagnetic SimulationsElectromagnetic simulations offer an insight into electric and magnetic field distributions or radiation characteristics of arbitrary structures, such as transmission lines, filters or antennas. Furthermore, determination of scattering parameters allows a description of transmission and reflection characteristic of electromagnetic waves. In current research, electromagnetic simulations with CST Microwave Studio are used, e.g. to support the design process of electromagnetic sensors.Jahr: 2020
Novel ion drift tube based on a composite materialIn this project, we have developed a simple manufacturing process for ion mobility spectrometer drift tubes based on a composite material in order to reduce the manufacturing effort. This composite material consists of alternating layers of metal sheets and insulator material, which are connected to each other in a mechanically stable and gastight manner. Furthermore, this approach allows the production of multiple ion drift tubes in parallel in just a few steps from a single piece of material, thus further reducing the manufacturing costs and efforts per unit. The photo shows a drift tube IMS made of such a composite material. With 38.1 mm drift length, only 15 mm × 15 mm cross-section and 57 mm in overall length (outer dimensions) it has high resolving power of Rp = 62 and detection limits in the pptv-range with averaging times of one second.Jahr: 2020
GIDPROvisIn GIDPROvis, two original breakthrough technologies - Gas Ion Distillation (GID) and Sequential Ion Processing (PRO) - provide live visualization (vis) of volatile chemicals in ambient environments giving humans access to a molecular world heretofore unseen. Molecular auras in GIDPROvis are delivered by small GIDPRO analyzers based on high speed separation of ions derived from individual chemicals and their identification using an emerging generation of ion analyzers.Jahr: 2020Förderung: European Union’s Horizon 2020 FET Open programme under grant agreement No 899261
HiKE IMS MSIn this research project, the kinetics of ion-molecule reactions in the gas phase as a function of the effective ion temperature will be investigated using a high-energy ion mobility spectrometer (HiKE-IMS) with selective ion sources. In order to generate defined ion populations, a hollow cathode ion source compatible to the HiKE-IMS will be realized within the scope of this research project. In addition, an implementation of a laser ionization source in the ionization region of the HiKE-IMS is planned, in which the ionization of molecules is achieved by resonant multiphoton excitation. This will allow a detailed investigation of reaction rates and reaction rate constants.Jahr: 2021Förderung: This research is founded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) (ZI 1288/8-2)