Sabath, F.; Garbe, H.
Risk Potential of Radiated HPEM Environments,
IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility 2009, Austin, Texas, 17.-21. August 2009, pp226-231
H. Thye, M. Koch, F. Sabath
Aspects of Modelling a a UWB Impulse Radiating Antenna,
, XXIX. General Assembly of URSI, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 7.-16. August 2008
M. Koch, H. Thye, F. Sabath
Development of a Textile Impulse Radiating Antenna,
, EUROEM 2008: 16th High Power Electromagnetics Conference (HPEM16), 9thUltra-Wideband, Short-Pulse Electromagnetics Conference (UWB SP 9), 9thUnexploded Ordnance Detection and Range Remediation Conference (UXO 9), Lausanne, Schweiz, 21.-25. Juli 2008
S. Korte, F. Sabath, H. Garbe
Analytical Estimation of the Threat of IEMI to Electronic Systems,
URSI General Assembly, Chicago, USA, August 2008. Available online in April 2009.
S. Fisahn, H. Garbe, F. Sabath
Protective Properties of a Generic Missile Enclosure to different Electromagnetic Influences,
2007 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 9-13 July 2007, Honolulu Hawaii, USA
S.Korte,H. Garbe, F.Sabath
Influence of RepetitivePulses on the Breakdown Behavior of Electronics,
EMC Europe, Int. Symposium on EMC, Spain,Barcelona, 04.-08.09.2006, ISBN 84-689-9438-3, pp.91-96
H. Herlemann, M. Koch, M. Camp, A. Bausen, F. Sabath
Neues Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Schirmwirkung mittels ultrabreitbandiger elektromagnetischer Feldimpulse,
tm - Technisches Messen 4/2005, Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag GmbH,München, ISSN 0171-8096, pp. 215-221
M. Camp, H. Garbe, F. Sabath
Coupling of Transient Ultra Wide Band Electro-magnetic Fields to Complex Electronic Systems,
Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2005 IEEE International Symposium on , Vol.: 2, Chicago 2005
M. Koch, H. Herlemann, F. Sabath
UWB Antenne für verbringbare Wirksysteme - Stand der Technik,
Wehrtechnisches Symposium elektromagnetische Effekte - EME 2005,05.-07. September 2005, Bundesakademie für Wehrverwaltung und Wehrtechnik, Mannheim, Tagungs-CD-Beitrag Nr. 09
D.Nitsch, M.Camp, F.Sabath, J.L.Haseborg, H.Garbe
Susceptibility of Some Electronic Equipment to HPEM Threats ,
H. Herlemann, M. Koch, A. Bausen, F. Sabath
The Protection of Ordnance and its Electronic Subsystems againstthe Threat Imposed by CW and Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields ,
EUROEM 2004, Euro Electromagnetics, July 12.-16., 2004,Magdeburg, Germany, Session HPEM 4-7, Book of Abstracts, ISBN3-929757-73-7
H. Herlemann, M. Koch, F. Sabath
UWB Antenna for Artillery Applications ,
EUROEM 2004, Euro Electromagnetics, July 12.-16., 2004,Magdeburg, Germany, Session UWB 6-6, Book of Abstracts, ISBN3-929757-73-7
H. Herlemann, M. Koch, M. Camp, A. Bausen, F. Sabath
Measurement of Protection Properties of Closed Shields in TimeDomain ,
EMC York 2004 International Conference and Exhibition, July 1-2,2004, York, England, Session 2B, Electromagnetic Measurements,Conference Proceedings, ISBN 1-902009-13-4
H. Herlemann, M. Koch, M. Camp, A. Bausen, F. Sabath
Bestimmung der Schutzwirkung leitfähiger Schirme gegenpulsartige elektromagnetische Felder ,
XVIII. Messtechnisches Symposium des Arbeitskreises der Hochschullehrerfür Messtechnik e.V., 04. Oktober - 06. Oktober 2004, Freiburg, Germany, Tagungsband, ISBN3-8322-3190-0, pp. 139-152
H. Herlemann, S. Korte, M. Camp, H. Garbe, M. Koch, F. Sabath
Schirmung von elektronischen Systemen gegen transienteelektromagnetische Störgrößen ,
Kleinheubacher Tagung (URSI) 27. September - 01. Oktober 2004,Miltenberg, Germany, Session E.2 Schirmung im Zeit- undFrequenzbereich
M.Camp, D.Nitsch, F.Sabath, J.L.Haseborg, H.Garbe
Susceptibility of Some Electronic Equipment to HPEM Threats ,
System Design and Assessment Notes 2004, Note 37, USA Air ForceResearch Laboratory, 2004, Feb. 28
M. Koch, M. Camp, R. Kebel, H. Garbe, F. Sabath, D. Nitsch
Protection Properties of Advanced Textile Shields determined inFrequency and Time Domain ,
15th International Zürich Symposium, Technical Exhibition onElectromagnetic Compatibility, Schweiz, Zürich 2003, feb.18-20,ISBN: 3-9521199-7-0, pp. 137-142
C.Mojert, D.Nitsch, H.Friedhoff, J.Maak, F.Sabath, M.Camp, H.Garbe
UWB and EMP Susceptibility of Microprocessors and Networks, 14thInternational Zürich Symposium ,
Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Schweiz,Zürich 2001, feb.20-22 ISBN: 3-9521199-5-4, Nr. 9B4
D.Nitsch, H.Friedhoff, J.Maak, F.Sabath, M.Camp, H.Garbe, C.Mojert
UWB and EMP Susceptibility of Microprocessors and Networks ,
14th International Zürich Symposium & Technical Exhibition onElectromagnetic Compatibility, Schweiz, Zürich 2001, feb.20-22ISBN: 3-9521199-5-4, Nr. 9B4
P. Kralicek, F. Sabath, H. Garbe
Validation of a Hybrid MoM-MTL Method Calculating Complex Structures on PCBs ,
13th Int. Zurich Symposium on EMC 1999, Zürich, pp. 257-262, February, 1999
F. Sabath, H. Garbe
Analyse von Leiterplatten mit einem automatisierten hybriden Feldsimulationstool ,
Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit EMV'98, pp307-314, vde-Verlag, Berlin, 1998
F. Sabath, H. Garbe
The Analysis of PCB Layout Using a Hybrid MoM-MTL Method ,
Int. IEEE EMC Symposium., Denver, USA, pp 112-117, August, 1998
John, M. Ramme, F. Sabath, H. Garbe
Integration des Leiterplattenentwurfs in die EMV-gerechte Systementwicklung ,
Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit EMV'98, pp351-358, vde-Verlag, Berlin, 1998
F. Sabath, A. Seggelke, H. Garbe
Ansätze zur Messung von Objekten mit Richtcharakteristik ,
Disk. Sitzung ITDG/VDE, Günzburg, October, 1997
F. Sabath, H. Garbe
A Hybrid Method Based on the Multiconductor Transmission Line Equation and the Method of Moments ,
Workshop at EMC Zurich '97, Switzerland, February 18 - 20, 1997
F. Sabath, H. Garbe
Prediction of errors due to ignoring coupling between signal traces ,
Int. IEEE EMC Symp., Austin, USA, August, 1997
F. Sabath, H. Garbe
Entwicklung eines hybriden Feldsimulationstools zur Strahlungsanalyse von Leiterplatten ,
Kleinheubacher URSI Tagung October 1997
F.Sabath, H. Garbe
Prediction of errors due to ignoring fieldcoupling on printed circuit boards ,
EMC Zurich '97, Switzerland, February 18 - 20, 1997
H. Garbe, W. John, F. Sabath, M. Ramme
Integration des Leiterplattenentwurfs in die EMV-gerechte Systementwicklung ,
Kleinheubacher URSI Tagung October 1997